Night Time
Economy Summit
Night time Economy Summit gathers key stakeholders, including businesses, policymakers, and community leaders, to discuss strategies for fostering a vibrant and safe night time culture and economy.
The UK-based Night time Economy Summit explores technological developments, and sustainability models and reflects on the importance of awareness and continuous education in the night time industries.
As a critical partner, VibeLab plays a crucial role at the Night time Economy Summit by organising and leading various sessions and discussions with an international focus. We bring together various experts, stakeholders, and leaders in the night time industry to share insights, knowledge, and innovative ideas.
Covering topics focused on pioneering ideas in the industry such as:
Measuring the Night: Data as a tool for innovation
The ability to predict the future makes companies more resilient, and city planning becomes user-centric.
Safer work environments: Practical perspective
How do we influence a culture change in power structures in our companies and on dance floors? Get hands-on advice that can directly integrate into your own business or organisation.
Night time Resilience: A Collaborative Approach
Forecasts tell us we must prepare for an era where rising costs will impact hospitality operators and cultural producers. Partnerships have become increasingly crucial for a healthy, artistic, creative hospitality industry.